Gatekeepers of Your Gut Health

Norm Shealy Interview with Zach Bush on Gut Health

By on September 16, 2015 in Gut Health, Leaky Gut, Restore with 0 Comments

Gut Health Interview

Norm Shealy Interview with Zach Bush

If you missed it live, here is a recording of Dr. Norm Shealy’s interview with Dr. Zach Bush on gut health and the gut supplement RESTORE.
gut health interview

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Beginning of Transcript of Interview

Dr. Shealy: Good evening, everyone. This is Norm Shealy. Welcome. It’s a great pleasure for me to be back with Zach Bush, talking about, interestingly, the intestines are often considered your second brain and it looks as if the widespread intestinal diseases contribute tremendously to all kinds of mental emotional problems. Zach, it’s great to be with you and I’m happy to have you start off with questions, comments, or let’s get going on how to restore your gut and your brain.

Dr. Bush: Fantastic. We sure appreciate, Norm, your invitation to be with your audience. You have been a godfather in the field of neural health, starting back in the neurosurgery world with the pain management and the debut of the TENS unit and then moving on into the extraordinary science connections between mood disorders of depression, anxiety, and the like, and chronic pain. Your work in that field really helped cut some pathways into our understanding that the brain and its health may rely on pathways far outside of the brain in an anatomic fashion, as well as a biologic fashion. That path has really opened up wider and wider at an extraordinary rate in the last 5 to 10 years as we have started to appreciate, just as you have said, the sheer amount of neural volume in the gut.

About the Author

About the Author: David Roberts holds a Masters in public health from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health with more than 20 years of experience working in quantitative research and has done public health work on three continents. He sees poor gut health as a leading public health crisis of our day and proper nutrition as the solution. He currently serves as Chief Public Health Officer for Biomic Sciences. .


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